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Wednesday, August 08 2012

A Health Care Power of Attorney is a document that gives an individual you name the power to make health care decisions for you if you cannot make those decisions for yourself. It includes the power to make decisions about life-sustaining treatment.

A healthcare power of attorney specifies who you can choose to make medical decisions for you. Your Health care Power of Attorney is activated any time you're unconscious or unable to make decision or communicate medical decisions. Avoid choosing anyone under the age of 18, anyone may be considered to be one of your healthcare, or an employee of one of your healthcare providers.

The individual you name as your agent must:

  • Be willing to speak and advocate on your behalf
  • Be willing to deal with conflict among friends and family members should it arise
  • Know you well and understand your wishes
  • Be willing to talk with you about these issues
  • Be someone you trust with your life

Make sure to let your doctors, family members and close friends know whom you have chosen as your agent. Your spiritual or religious beliefs may have bearing on the end of life and other decisions you make. Although disability and death are often difficult subjects to bring up, it is a good idea to discuss these issues with family members to ensure that they understand your values and beliefs. The more preparation and communication you have with family members, the easier it will be for them to respect your wishes. Also, if you want to be an organ donor, make sure that your agent and your family know and that you include the information in your Health care Power of Attorney.

It's also a good idea to have a written Health Care Power of Attorney reviewed by your doctor to make sure that your instructions are understood as intended. Once you finalized your Healthcare Power of Attorney, give copies to your family, medical power of attorney agent and your doctor.

Note: depending on the state you reside in, each Health Care Power of Attorney document will have additional options and choices for you to select. These may take the form of check boxes to select from for certain end of life treatment decisions, for example. Or, it may have fill-in the blank sections for specific types of medical care that you do or do not want. Be sure to look over these additional options carefully before signing your Health Care Power of Attorney. This document must be signed in front of a Notary Public along with 2(two) witnesses.

Posted by: Sync Merchants AT 02:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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