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Rates & Fees
Merchant Services Rates and Fees Schedule

Rates and Fees



Check Card Rate The percentage pricing rate specific towards Signature Debit
cards or Debit Cards with Visa or MasterCard logos on the card.


Qualified Rate The rate tier for all general swiped credit card transactions.


Mid-Qualified Rate Swiped transactions of credit cards with built in rewards program.

(Qual + 1.59%)

Non-Qualified Rate Rate Tier designated for Corporate, Business, International Cards.
Includes keyed in transactions or batch settlements exceeding 24 hours.

(Qual + 1.89%)

Transaction Fee Fee charged for every time a transaction is ran or generated.

0.22 cents

Statement Fee A monthly processing fee for generating the data for mailing statements.


Monthly Minimum The minimum discount fees a merchant has to process monthly.


Batch Fee A per incident fee charged every time a batch is settled.

0.25 cents

Termination Fees The initial Terms is 3 years with a 2 year Auto Renewal Term.

1st year $550
2nd year $375
3rd year $300

*These rates are subject to change at any time. Critically important to fully understand these terms before signing up for merchant a account. Final rates and fees are printed on each merchant processing application and agreement form. Check with your local merchant services account representative for more details.